
Welcome to homepage of ENS Paris-Saclay WIFI and VPN access

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How to connect to ENS Paris-Saclay WIFI network ?

Several networks are reachable:

"eduroam": You have access to the Internet via a secure connection.

eduroam: requires prior configuration of your computer. THIS IS THE WIFI SERVICE RECOMMENDED FOR STAFF AND STUDENTS OF THE ENSC.

"ENS-INVITES": You get internet access (http, https, ssh, VPN ...).

establishing a guest connection : the email address of a sponsor (staff ENS Paris-Saclay) will be required.

To recover your workspace ENS Cachan from a remote machine ?

OpenVPN (Open Virtual Remote Network) allow you a protected access to your workspace when you are in another establishment (in France or elsewhere). In order to use OpenVPN you have to install a software when you connect for the first time in ENS Cachan.

Connect with "OpenVPN"

For more information select your OS to access documentation:

Linux; Windows; Android; Mac; Ipad/Iphone

If you want a wired network acces ?

Your device must be declared on the network by the DSI staff. An application exists (accessible when you are connected as a guest, staff member or else):

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